

Cover Image for Mistaken for Employee

Mistaken for Employee

When I first being what I guess would be called a “Developer Advocate” for Pantheon, they didn’t even have a community for developer relations. However I talked about Pantheon so much, and included Pantheon in steps in my dev talks / slides. The disclaimer at the bottom of that slide was born because I was […]

Filed Under: DevRel

Cover Image for DevRel, a challenge to my Mental Health

DevRel, a challenge to my Mental Health

I wrote about my adventure into and through Public Speaking. Public speaking was one of the greatest challenges I’ve put myself through, and it is still a battle every time. However Developer Relations is still challenging in more ways than public speaking, and I’m sure will continue to challenge me in ways that I don’t […]

Filed Under: DevRel

Cover Image for Public Speaking: Nervous Wreck to Slightly Less Nervous Wreck

Public Speaking: Nervous Wreck to Slightly Less Nervous Wreck

Public Speaking. These 2 words put together can either cause your hair to straighten, and palms sweat OR you shrug it off with confidence. I have yet to meet someone who is indifferent to public speaking, love it or hate it. This is my story of going from someone who could not muster the courage […]

Filed Under: DevRelWordPress

Cover Image for Where I Started My DevRel Journey

Where I Started My DevRel Journey

When I started hearing about #DevRel I was intrigued. The opportunity to be able to not be in sales, but also the opportunity to use cool tech and teach others how to use cool tech. This is up my ally 100%. It was about this time I was being asked by my friend Tessa if […]

Filed Under: DevRelWordPress